Template:Needs Translation/
Function: integer llOverMyLand( key id );
• key id – group, avatar or object UUID that is in the same region
返回一个整数布尔值,如果 id 在脚本所有者拥有的土地上,返回 true,否则为 false。
//--// private land message //--//
//-- list of people not to pester, lower case only
list gLstIgnore = ["void singer"];
key gKeyAv;
llOwnerSay( "I'll pester anyone on your land I can find,"
+ " unless they're in your ignore list." );
llSensorRepeat( "", "", AGENT, 96, PI, 30 );
sensor( integer vIntFound ){
gKeyAv = llDetectedKey( --vIntFound ); //-- Decrement sensor variable to walk backwards through all detections
//-- check if they are over our land
if (llOverMyLand( gKeyAv )){ //-- the return value is automatically tested by the if statemnt
//-- check if they are in the ignore list
if (!~llListFindList( gLstIgnore, (list)llToLower( llDetectedName( vIntFound ) ) )){ //-- '!~llListFindList' == 'not found in the list'
//-- pester everyone not in the ignore list !!!
llInstantMessage( gKeyAv, "You are on private land, please leave this parcel" );
}while (vIntFound);
下面这个例子是前一个例子的变体。它会把每天的访客记录发给你。这对于确定你的包裹每天吸引多少流量,以及谁定期来访是很有用的。Llovermyland 函数用于防止脚本计算其他地块上的人数。
// This script will email you a daily count of new visitors and repeat visitors.
// Visitors are counted once per email update cycle.
// -----------------------------------
// Configuration: customize this script here.
// Change this to your email address.
string MyEmail = "you@example.com";
// This is a number 0 to 96 meters, anything farther away than that will not be noticed.
float SensorRange = 96.0;
// How often to send email updates.
integer UpdateFrequency = 86400; // Number of seconds in 1 day.
// -----------------------------------
// Internal Variables -- Do not change.
list todayVisitors = [];
list allVisitors = [];
list repeatVisitors = [];
list firstTimers = [];
integer newVisitors = 0;
integer returnVisitors = 0;
string ParcelName;
list parcelDetails = llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(), [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]);
ParcelName = llList2String(parcelDetails, 0);
llSensorRepeat( "", "", AGENT, SensorRange, PI, 20);
llSetTimerEvent(UpdateFrequency); // Email me a regular report.
llOwnerSay("Visitor Log Started.");
sensor(integer avsFound)
key avKey;
integer avNum;
for(avNum=0; avNum<avsFound; avNum++)
avKey = llDetectedKey(avNum);
if (llOverMyLand(avKey))
string whom = llDetectedName(avNum);
if (!~llListFindList(todayVisitors, [whom]))
// This person hasn't been seen yet today.
todayVisitors += [whom];
if (~llListFindList(allVisitors, [whom]))
// This is a returning visitor.
repeatVisitors += [whom];
// This is a first-time visitor.
allVisitors = [whom] + allVisitors;
firstTimers += [whom];
list parcelDetails = llGetParcelDetails(llGetPos(), [PARCEL_DETAILS_NAME]);
ParcelName = llList2String(parcelDetails, 0);
string subj = "Visitor Log for " + ParcelName;
string body = "Number of Visitors Total: " + (string)(newVisitors + returnVisitors)
+ "\nReturning Visitors: " + (string)returnVisitors
+ "\nNew Visitors: " + (string)newVisitors
+ "\n\nList of New Visitors:\n\t" + llDumpList2String(firstTimers, "\n\t")
+ "\n\nList of Returning Visitors:\n\t" + llDumpList2String(repeatVisitors, "\n\t");
newVisitors = 0;
returnVisitors = 0;
todayVisitors = [];
repeatVisitors = [];
firstTimers = [];
if (llGetListLength(allVisitors)>500)
allVisitors = llList2List(allVisitors, 0, 499);
llEmail(MyEmail, subj, body);