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{{函数详情 函数名=Function: vector llGetAccel( ) 参数=参数:无 返回值=返回值:返回一个向量,该向量是物体在区域参考系中的加速度。
|注意事项= 返回附件中的零矢量,与阿凡达的加速度无关,返回子素中的零矢量,与链接集的加速度无关
//A very simple (and not very effective) way of keeping a physical object in place. //If the object is moving when the script is put in the object, then the object will continue to move, so long as it doesn't accelerate. //If you ever want to actually stop an object, use llMoveToTarget(llGetPos(), .1) default { moving_start(){ vector ac; // Go forever while(llVecMag(ac = llGetAccel()) > .001) { //We're accelerating... llApplyImpulse(-ac, 0); //Slow us down. } } }|相关函数= llGetOmega llGetVel llGetTorque llGetMass llGetForce llSetForce llSetTorque llSetForceAndTorque }}