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  • key llHTTPRequest( string url, list parameters, string body );
  1. 返回一个key来标识发起的HTTP请求
  2. string url: A valid HTTP/HTTPS URL.
  3. list parameters: configuration parameters, specified as HTTP_* flag-value pairs [ parameter1, value1, parameter2, value2, . . . parameterN, valueN]
  4. string body: Contents of the request.

"multipart/mixed; boundary="---1234567890---""
  • 注意地址必须是服务器可访问到的
  • HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH是发起请求的长度最大值,可以在服务器配置,但是响应的值被限制为2048,这个值还不可以配置。
  • body内容不要随便乱写
  1. 如果是post方法,可以:string body="param1=v1&param2=v2"
  2. 如果是get方法,可以将“?param1=v1&param2=v2”这个放到url中,然后body用空字符串。
  • 例子
key httpreq(string page,string MSG)
    return llHTTPRequest(page,[
                                            // "POST" 
key reqed;
    touch_start(integer total_number)
        reqed=httpreq( "","");
    http_response(key request_id, integer status, list metadata, string body)



  • llHTTPResponse( key request_id, integer status, string body );
  1. key request_id: A valid HTTP request key.
  2. integer status: HTTP Status (200, 400, 404, etc)
  3. string body: 响应内容。
  • 注意事项
  1. The response need not be made inside the http_request event but if it does not happen in a timely fashion the request will time out (within 25 seconds).
  2. This call must be made by the script containing the http_request event where the request_id was received.
  3. There is no limit, other than script size, to the amount of data that can be sent by this function.
  4. The response by default has "content-type: text/plain". Use llSetContentType to optionally return a different type, like "text/html".
  • 例子
string url;

    touch_start(integer num_detected)
    //  PUBLIC_CHANNEL has the integer value 0
        if (url != "")
            llSay(PUBLIC_CHANNEL, "URL: " + url);
    http_request(key id, string method, string body)
    //  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Create,_read,_update_and_delete
        list CRUDmethods = ["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"];
    //  it's bit-wise NOT ( ~ ) !!!
        integer isAllowedMethod = ~llListFindList(CRUDmethods, [method]);
        if (isAllowedMethod)
            llHTTPResponse(id, 200, "Body of request below:\n" + body);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
        //  don't forget the trailing slash
            url = body + "/";
            llOwnerSay("URL: " + url);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
            llOwnerSay("Something went wrong, no URL.\n" + body);
            llOwnerSay("Ummm... I have no idea what SL just did. Method=\""+method+"\"\n" + body);


请求HTTP:// url (opensim version 0.9 or over),与llRequestURL功能类似

支持可选参数,如 "allowXss" - Add 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' to response header

  • 例子
//osRequestURL example
RequestReceived (key id, string query) {
    llHTTPResponse (id,200,query+" OK");
    query = llUnescapeURL(query);
    llSay (0, query);
default {
    state_entry() {
        osRequestURL ([ "allowXss" ]);
    http_request(key id, string method, string body) {
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
           llOwnerSay ("URL_REQUEST_GRANTED" +"\n" +body);
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
            llOwnerSay ("URL_REQUEST_DENIED");
        if (method == "GET")
            RequestReceived (id, llGetHTTPHeader(id,"x-query-string"));
        if (method == "POST")
            RequestReceived (id, body);


请求HTTPS:// url (opensim version 0.9 or over),与llRequestSecureURL类似

可选参数支持: "allowXss" - Add 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' to response header

  • 例子
//osRequestSecureURL example
RequestReceived (key id, string query) {
    llHTTPResponse (id,200,query+" OK");
    query = llUnescapeURL(query);
    llSay (0, query);
default {
    state_entry() {
        osRequestSecureURL ([ "allowXss" ]);
    http_request(key id, string method, string body) {
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
           llOwnerSay ("URL_REQUEST_GRANTED" +"\n" +body);
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
            llOwnerSay ("URL_REQUEST_DENIED");
        if (method == "GET")
            RequestReceived (id, llGetHTTPHeader(id,"x-query-string"));
        if (method == "POST")
            RequestReceived (id, body);


请求一个用于此脚本的“HTTP://”url。该请求将导致 http_request事件发生。HTTP使用12046端口(HTTP-in uses port 12046)。采用llGetFreeURLs函数可以返回还有多少个URL资源可以使用


  • key llRequestURL( );
  1. Returns a handle (a key) used for identifying the result of the request in the http_request event.
  2. HTTP-in uses port 12046.
  3. Use of this function is throttled. Although it has no forced sleep time, too many requests (5 ish) in a short period will cause all further requests to be denied until the script stops requesting urls for at least 1 second. Using an llSleep of 0.6 seconds or greater between each request will prevent you from being throttled.
  4. When a region is (re)started all HTTP server URLs are automatically released and invalidated.
  5. Use CHANGED_REGION_START to detect this so new URL can be requested.
  6. The number of available URLs is a limited resource, that is to say, a script can only have so many open URLs. See LSL http_server#Resource Limitations for details.
  7. When abandoning a URL, release it with llReleaseURL, to avoid leaks. Resetting the script, or deleting the prim will also suffice to release URLs.
  • 例子:岛屿重启后,请求一个URL
string url;
key urlRequestId;
	urlRequestId = llRequestURL();
    on_rez(integer start_param)
    changed(integer change)
		urlRequestId = llRequestURL();
    http_request(key id, string method, string body)
	if (id == urlRequestId)
	    if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
		llOwnerSay("The following error occurred while attempting to get a free URL for this device:\n \n" + body);
	    else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
		url = body;
		llLoadURL(llGetOwner(), "Click to visit my URL!", url);


//      This script is only for proof-of-concept (demo purposes).
//      DO NOT use it if you don't have the sim owners and/or
//      estate managers OK to test this script.
//      This script can possibly block HTTP communication from and to the sim.
//      ...bringing down all networked vendors and/or similar machines.
//      This script allocates all available URLs.
//      Deleting the script and/or derezzing the object containing the script,
//      will release all previously taken URLs.
    http_request(key id, string method, string body)
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
            llSetText("No free URLs!", <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
            llSetText( (string)llGetFreeURLs() + " URLs left\n" + body, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
        else if (method == "GET")
            llHTTPResponse(id, 200, "Hello there!");



  • 例子
    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        integer numberOfFreeURLs = llGetFreeURLs();
            llSay(0,  "There are " + (string)numberOfFreeURLs + " available HTTP-In URLs left for this sim.");
            llSay(0, "WARNING: There are no HTTP-In URLs available anymore.");
//      This script is only for proof-of-concept (demo purposes).
//      DO NOT use it if you don't have the sim owners and/or
//      estate managers OK to test this script.
//      This script can possibly block HTTP communication from and to the sim.
//      ...bringing down all networked vendors and/or similar machines.
//      This script allocates all available URLs.
//      Deleting the script and/or derezzing the object containing the script,
//      will release all previously taken URLs.
    http_request(key request_id, string method, string body)
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
            llSetText("No free URLs!", <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 1.0);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
            llSetText( (string)llGetFreeURLs() + " URLs left\n" + body, <1.0, 1.0, 1.0>, 1.0);
        else if (method == "GET")
            llHTTPResponse(id, 200, "Hello there!");


为本模型开启 HTTPS:// (SSL) url。http_request事件会被激发。使用端口:12043。


  • 警告
  1. HTTPS-in uses port 12043.
  2. When a region is (re)started all HTTP server URLs are automatically released and invalidated.
  3. Use CHANGED_REGION_START to detect this so new URL can be requested.
  • 例子
string secureUrl;
key urlRequestId;
key selfCheckRequestId;
    secureUrl = "";
    urlRequestId = llRequestSecureURL();
throw_exception(string inputString)
    key owner = llGetOwner();
    llInstantMessage(owner, inputString);
    // yeah, bad way to handle exceptions by restarting.
    // However this is just a demo script...
    on_rez(integer start_param)
    changed(integer change)
        if (change & (CHANGED_OWNER | CHANGED_INVENTORY))
            secureUrl = "";
    http_request(key id, string method, string body)
        integer responseStatus = 400;
        string responseBody = "Unsupported method";
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
            throw_exception("The following error occurred while attempting to get a free URL for this device:\n \n" + body);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
            secureUrl = body;
            key owner = llGetOwner();
            llLoadURL(owner, "Click to visit my URL!", secureUrl);
            // check every 5 mins for dropped URL
        else if (method == "GET")
            responseStatus = 200;
            responseBody = "Hello world!";
        // else if (method == "POST") ...;
        // else if (method == "PUT") ...;
        // else if (method == "DELETE") { responseStatus = 403; responseBody = "forbidden"; }
        llHTTPResponse(id, responseStatus, responseBody);
    http_response(key id, integer status, list metaData, string body)
        if (id == selfCheckRequestId)
            // If you're not usually doing this,
            // now is a good time to get used to doing it!
            selfCheckRequestId = NULL_KEY;
            if (status != 200)
        else if (id == NULL_KEY)
            throw_exception("Too many HTTP requests too fast!");
        selfCheckRequestId = llHTTPRequest(secureUrl,
                                [HTTP_METHOD, "GET",
                                    HTTP_VERBOSE_THROTTLE, FALSE,
                                    HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 16384],


  • 释放特定的URL,它将不再被使用
  1. string url: URL to release
  • 警告:URLs are automatically released and invalidated in certain situations. In the following situations, there is no need to call llReleaseURL. But you will have to request a new one afterwards
  1. When the region is restarted or goes offline
  2. When the script holding the URLs is reset, or recompiled
  3. When the object containing the script is deleted, or taken to inventory
  • 例子
string url;
key urlRequestId;
key selfCheckRequestId;
    url = "";
    urlRequestId = llRequestURL();
throw_exception(string inputString)
    llInstantMessage(llGetOwner(), inputString);
    // yeah, bad way to handle exceptions by restarting.
    // However this is just a demo script...
    on_rez(integer start_param)
    changed(integer change)
    http_request(key id, string method, string body)
        integer responseStatus = 400;
        string responseBody = "Unsupported method";
        if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
            throw_exception("The following error occurred while attempting to get a free URL for this device:\n \n" + body);
        else if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
            url = body;
            llLoadURL(llGetOwner(), "Click to visit my URL!", url);
            // check every 5 mins for dropped URL
        else if (method == "GET")
            responseStatus = 200;
            responseBody = "Hello world!";
        // else if (method == "POST") ...;
        // else if (method == "PUT") ...;
        // else if (method == "DELETE") { responseStatus = 403; responseBody = "forbidden"; }
        llHTTPResponse(id, responseStatus, responseBody);
    http_response(key id, integer status, list metaData, string body)
        if (id == selfCheckRequestId)
            // If you're not usually doing this,
            // now is a good time to get used to doing it!
            selfCheckRequestId = NULL_KEY;
            if (status != 200)
        else if (id == NULL_KEY)
            throw_exception("Too many HTTP requests too fast!");
        selfCheckRequestId = llHTTPRequest(url,
                                [HTTP_METHOD, "GET",
                                    HTTP_VERBOSE_THROTTLE, FALSE,
                                    HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH, 16384],



  • llLoadURL( key avatar, string message, string url );
  1. key avatar: avatar UUID that is in the same region
  2. string message: message to be displayed in the dialog box
  3. string url
  • 警告
  1. url长度限制为255,消息内容限制为254个字符。
  2. 必须指定协议,目前支持:"https://"和"http://"。
  3. URL遵循规划RFC-1738。
  4. 该函数将导致脚本休眠0.1秒。
  5. 不能在组物体中调研这个函数,如果调用会默默失败。
  6. 如果化身自己禁用了,该函数也会默默失败。
  • 例子
    touch_start(integer num_detected)
        key     id              = llDetectedKey(0);
        integer avatarInSameSim = (llGetAgentSize(id) != ZERO_VECTOR);// TRUE or FALSE
        if (avatarInSameSim)
            string info = "Visit the There website!";
            // must start with either "http://..." or "https://..."
            string url = "http://vthere.bnu.edu.cn/";
            llLoadURL(id, info, url);
            llInstantMessage(id, "I can only open a URL dialog on your screen if you're in my sim!");



  • string llGetHTTPHeader( key request_id, string header );
  1. key request_id: A valid HTTP request key.
  2. string header: Lower case header value name.
  • 警告
  1. Returns an empty string if the header is not found or if the headers can no longer be accessed. Headers can only be accessed before llHTTPResponse is called and with-in the first 30 seconds after the http_request event is queued.
  2. Header information becomes inaccessible after 30 seconds or if llHTTPResponse is called.
  3. Custom headers are not supported, only the headers listed in the specification are supported.
  4. LSL is not a CGI environment
    1. "Content-Type" is an example of a normal header name, in a CGI environment the name would be "HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE".
  5. header must be lower case (or it will match nothing). All header names are converted to lower case when they are received.
  6. When making a request...
    1. The path part of the URL must be prefixed with a forward slash
      1. Good: https://sim3015.aditi.lindenlab.com:12043/cap/a7717681-2c04-e4ac-35e3-1f01c9861322/foo
      2. Bad: https://sim3015.aditi.lindenlab.com:12043/cap/a7717681-2c04-e4ac-35e3-1f01c9861322foo
    2. In order to use the query string, you must include a path (even if it is just a slash)
      1. Good: https://sim3015.aditi.lindenlab.com:12043/cap/a7717681-2c04-e4ac-35e3-1f01c9861322/?arg=gra
      2. Bad: https://sim3015.aditi.lindenlab.com:12043/cap/a7717681-2c04-e4ac-35e3-1f01c9861322?arg=gra
  • 例子
key url_request;
        url_request = llRequestURL();
    http_request(key id, string method, string body)
        if (url_request == id)
        //  if you're usually not resetting the query ID
        //  now is a good time to start!
            url_request = "";
            if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
                llOwnerSay("URL: " + body);
                key owner = llGetOwner();
                vector ownerSize = llGetAgentSize(owner);
                if (ownerSize)//  != ZERO_VECTOR
                    llLoadURL(owner, "I got a new URL!", body);
            else if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
                llOwnerSay("Something went wrong, no url:\n" + body);
            list headerList = ["x-script-url",
                            "x-path-info", "x-query-string",
                            "x-remote-ip", "user-agent"];
            integer index = -llGetListLength(headerList);
                string header = llList2String(headerList, index);
                llOwnerSay(header + ": " + llGetHTTPHeader(id, header));
            while (++index);
            llOwnerSay("body:\n" + body);
            llHTTPResponse(id, 200, body);


Returns a string that is the escaped/encoded version of url, replacing spaces with "%20" etc. The function will escape any character not in [a-zA-Z0-9] to "%xx" where "xx" is the hexadecimal value of the character in UTF-8 byte form.


Returns a string that is an unescaped/unencoded version of url, replacing "%20" with spaces etc.


llSetContentType( key request_id, integer content_type ); Sets the Internet media type "Content-Type" header of any subsequent LSL HTTP server response via llHTTPResponse.

  1. key request_id: a valid http_request() key
  2. integer content_type: Media type to use with any following llHTTPResponse(request_id, ...)
key url_request;
string HTML_BODY =
"<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<p>My first paragraph.</p>
        url_request = llRequestURL();
    http_request(key id, string method, string body)
        key owner = llGetOwner();
        vector ownerSize = llGetAgentSize(owner);
        if (url_request == id)
        //  if you're usually not resetting the query ID
        //  now is a good time to start!
            url_request = "";
            if (method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED)
                llOwnerSay("URL: " + body);
            //  if owner in sim
                if (ownerSize)//  != ZERO_VECTOR
                    llLoadURL(owner, "I got a new URL!", body);
            else if (method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED)
                llOwnerSay("Something went wrong, no url:\n" + body);
            llOwnerSay("request body:\n" + body);
        //  if owner in sim
            if (ownerSize)//  != ZERO_VECTOR
                llSetContentType(id, CONTENT_TYPE_HTML);
                llHTTPResponse(id, 200, HTML_BODY);
                llSetContentType(id, CONTENT_TYPE_TEXT);
                llHTTPResponse(id, 200, "OK");




  • Opensim.ini

    ;# {HttpProxy} {} {Proxy URL for llHTTPRequest and dynamic texture loading} {} http://proxy.com:8080
    ;; Http proxy setting for llHTTPRequest and dynamic texture loading, if
    ;; required
    ; HttpProxy = "http://proxy.com:8080"

    ;# {HttpProxyExceptions} {HttpProxy} {Set of regular expressions defining URL that should not be proxied} {}
    ;; If you're using HttpProxy, then you can set HttpProxyExceptions to a
    ;; list of regular expressions for URLs that you don't want to go through
    ;; the proxy.
    ;; For example, servers inside your firewall.
    ;; Separate patterns with a ';'
    ; HttpProxyExceptions = ".mydomain.com;localhost"

    ;# {emailmodule} {} {Provide llEmail and llGetNextEmail functionality? (requires SMTP server)} {true false} false
    ;; The email module requires some configuration. It needs an SMTP
    ;; server to send mail through.
    ; emailmodule = DefaultEmailModule

 ; By default, OpenSimulator does not allow scripts to make HTTP calls to addresses on the simulator's LAN.
    ; See the OutboundDisallowForUserScripts parameter in OpenSimDefaults.ini for more information on this filter.
    ; If you need to allow scripts to make some LAN calls use the OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept parameter below.
    ; We recommend that you do not override OutboundDisallowForUserScripts directly unless you are very sure about what you're doing.
    ; You can whitelist individual endpoints by IP or FQDN, e.g.
    ; OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept =
    ; You can specify multiple addresses by separating them with a bar.  For example,
    ; OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept =|myinternalserver:8000
    ; If an address if given without a port number then port 80 is assumed
    ; You can also specify a network range in CIDR notation to whitelist, e.g.
    ; OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept =
    ; to whitelist all ports on addresses to
    ; To specify an individual IP address use the /32 netmask
    ; OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept =
    ; See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing#CIDR_notation for more information on CIDR notation

    ;# {HttpBodyMaxLenMAX} {} {Maximum bytes allowed for HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH} {} 16384
    ;; By default, llHTTPRequest limits the response body to 2048 bytes.
    ;; This limit can be extended using HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH to a maximum
    ;; of HttpBodyMaxLenMAX bytes. 
    ;; Please be aware that the limit can be set to insanely high values,
    ;; effectively removing any limitation. This will expose your sim to a
    ;; known attack. It is not recommended to set this limit higher than
    ;; the highest value that is actually needed by existing applications!
    ;; 16384 is the SL compatible value.
    ; HttpBodyMaxLenMAX=16384

    ;# {ExternalHostNameForLSL} {} {Hostname to use for HTTP-IN URLs. This should be reachable from the internet.} {}
    ;; Hostname to use in llRequestURL/llRequestSecureURL
    ;; if not defined - llRequestURL/llRequestSecureURL are disabled
    ExternalHostNameForLSL = ${Const|BaseHostname}
    ;# {shard} {} {Name to use for X-Secondlife-Shard header? (press enter if unsure)} {} OpenSim
    ;; What is reported as the "X-Secondlife-Shard"
    ;; Defaults to the user server url if not set
    ;; The old default is "OpenSim", set here for compatibility
    ;; The below is not commented for compatibility.
    shard = "OpenSim"

    ;# {user_agent} {} {User agent to report to web servers?} {} OpenSim LSL (Mozilla Compatible)
    ;; What is reported as the "User-Agent" when using llHTTPRequest
    ;; Defaults to not sent if not set here. See the notes section in the wiki
    ;; at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlHTTPRequest for comments on adding
    ;; " (Mozilla Compatible)" to the text where there are problems with a 
    ;; web server
    ; user_agent = "OpenSim LSL (Mozilla Compatible)"

    ;; The following 3 variables are for HTTP Basic Authentication for the Robust services.
    ;; Use this if your central services in port 8003 need to be accessible on the Internet
    ;; but you want to protect them from unauthorized access. The username and password
    ;; here need to match the ones in the Robust service configuration.
    ; AuthType = "BasicHttpAuthentication"
    ; HttpAuthUsername = "some_username"
    ; HttpAuthPassword = "some_password"
    ;; Any of these 3 variables above can be overriden in any of the service sections.

  • OpensimDefaults.ini
    ; Maximum bytes allowed for HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH.
    ; By default, llHTTPRequest limits the response body to 2048 bytes.
    ; This limit can be extended using HTTP_BODY_MAXLENGTH to a maximum
    ; of HttpBodyMaxLenMAX bytes. 
    ; HttpBodyMaxLenMAX=16384

    ; Hostname to use in llRequestURL/llRequestSecureURL
    ; if not defined - llRequestURL/llRequestSecureURL are disabled   
    ; ExternalHostNameForLSL=

    ; Disallow the following address ranges for user scripting calls (e.g. llHttpRequest())
    ; This is based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reserved_IP_addresses
    ; This stops users making HTTP calls to machines in the simulator's local network.
    ; If you need to allow some LAN calls we recommend you use OutboundDisallowForUserScriptsExcept documented in OpenSim.ini.example
    ; If you override OutboundDisallowForUserScripts directly you need to be very careful.
    ; Network ranges are specified in CIDR notation (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classless_Inter-Domain_Routing#CIDR_notation) with multiple entries separated by |
    ; To specify an individual IP address use the /32 netmask (e.g.
    ; You can also specify individual <addr>:<port> endpoints (e.g.
    ; If an address if given without a port number then port 80 is assumed.
    OutboundDisallowForUserScripts =|||||||||||||||